How to upload an employee roster
Updated over a week ago

Start by completing a CSV with the following fields:

  1. First name.

  2. Last name.

  3. Email.

  4. Employee ID.

All columns must be updated for each row in the CSV. If you do not have employee IDs, we recommend applying a numeric value. The CSV will need to contain your most up-to-date employee roster every time it is uploaded.

Please note, that employee IDs must be unique and cannot be reused. If you are using numeric values as substitutes for employee IDs, make sure to assign numbers that have not been previously used for any other employee.

To update a roster, complete the following steps:

  1. Log into your Scoop dashboard.

  2. Click Roster Management on the left navigation bar.

  3. At the top right of the page click Upload employee roster.

  4. Click Choose CSV.

  5. Select your roster CSV and click open.

After you have uploaded and saved your roster, a pop-up will surface giving you the option to send Scoop invites to all employees listed within your roster CSV. If you want to send invites to all employees, click Send invites. If you do not want to send invites to all employees listed in your roster, simply X out of the pop-up.


Send invites to individual employees

To send an invite to an individual employee, complete the below steps:

  1. Log into your Scoop dashboard.

  2. Click Roster Management on the left navigation bar.

  3. Locate the desired employee within your Scoop roster.

  4. Click on the tool icon next to the desired employee in the Action column.

  5. Select Send Invite.


How to add or deactivate employees

To add or remove employees from your roster, simply repeat the steps above by uploading an updated CSV of your complete and up-to-date roster.

You may need to do this if:

  • You make a new hire.

  • An employee departs your company.

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