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How to install Scoop with Distribute Browser Extension - Google Workspace
How to install Scoop with Distribute Browser Extension - Google Workspace
Updated over a week ago

Remotely installing the Scoop extension via Google Workspace is only possible on Chrome browsers. If any part of your workforce uses Microsoft Edge, the instructions in this article will not apply to them.

  • Employee Machines.

  • Employee Web Browsers.


If employee machines are not enrolled in Google Workspace:

  1. Employees must sign into their Chrome browsers using their corporate Google Workspace account, and

  2. Employees must turn on Sync on their Chrome browsers.

If your workforce’s machines are already enrolled in Google Workspace, then the above requirements should not be followed, as they can create a configuration conflict.


The steps to install the Chrome Extension on your employees’ Chrome Browsers are the same whether they use Mac or Windows machines.

The company’s Google Workspace admin can manage an extension through the Google Admin UI ( This process is described in detail here, but here are the steps:

  1. Sign into Google Workspace as an account admin (

  2. Navigate to the Chrome settings by going to Devices -> Chrome -> Apps & Extensions -> Users & Browsers.

  3. Add a new extension to the desired organizational unit. Select the option to “Add Chrome app or extension by ID”.

  1. The extension ID is kkdpagofoehggdddobdofcpmlblnnaoe

  2. The extension should then appear in the main list. Select the option to “Force install + pin”.

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