Setting your vaccination status
Updated over a week ago

Available On: Enterprise Plans

Available To: Enterprise Users

If your company has COVID-19 vaccination requirements to come into the office, you’ll be able to indicate your status to your employer with Scoop and can indicate whether you are Fully vaccinated, Not vaccinated, Exempt, or Prefer not to say. Once you have saved your vaccination status as "Fully vaccinated" you will then have the ability to upload a photo as verification of vaccination.

Your vaccination status will remain pending until your document is verified by your employer* and you will be able to see the review state your document is in, whether it is pending review, denied, or accepted. You will be able to update or replace your vaccine documentation at any time.


To set your vaccination status in the Scoop mobile app follow these steps:

  1. Tap the Account icon in the bottom navigation bar in the app

  2. From the Account menu, tap Settings

  3. Then tap Vaccination status



To set your vaccination status with the Scoop Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge calendar extension, follow these steps:

  • Click the Scoop icon for the Chrome or Edge calendar extension and select Set work location.

  • You will then be taken to a new page that displays a list of dates.

  • Select the date that you would like to set your work location as Office.

  • Once you have indicated that you will be working from the office on any particular day, you should see the option to save a Vaccination status.

    *Your vaccination status and documentation will only be visible to your employer’s Scoop admin.

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