Finding the right office day
Updated over a week ago

Know ahead of time when co-workers are heading in or poll the group to put a plan together. Scoop helps you find the right day with the right people, all in a fraction of the time.

In this guide, we’ll show you how Scoop:

  1. Helps you see where co-workers plan to be

  2. Keeps your favorite people’s plans front and center

  3. Makes it simple to find the best day for everyone

Let’s dive in 👇

View your co-workers’ office plans

Instantly see when teammates, work friends, or your boss are heading into the office next. Work locations are synced across the Scoop platform automatically, so you'll have your answer no matter where you go to look.

From Slack

  1. Click on the Messages tab from the Scoop Slack app

  2. Go to your most recent Snapshot

  3. Click See all Co-Workers

💡Tip: You can also use /scoop-future or /scoop-today command in any public channel.

From Calendar

Pull up any co-workers’ calendar in Google to see their work location automatically added as an all-day event. To know where each meeting guest plans to be, look no further than the event’s RSVP list.


Build your Favorites list

Add work friends, close collaborators, or your manager to your Favorites list to make it easy to plan office days together. You’ll see a prompt to add Favorites across the Scoop platform, including the Scoop Slack app Home tab.

Favorites are private to you. Co-workers aren’t alerted when added to your Favorites list.

Use office polls to find the most popular day

When office plans are still up in the air, polling your co-workers on the days that work best is a low-effort, high-reward move. What’s not to like?

Create your 1st poll:

  1. Click on the Home tab from the Scoop Slack app

  2. Click on Launch Poll

  3. Choose the channel + the week you’re polling for

  4. Select Send Poll

Use the Most Popular Day Insights to narrow your choices, then confirm your plans from Slack.

💡 Tip: You can use the /scoop-poll command to create a poll instantly in that channel.

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