Scoop for Calendar Extension

A step-by-step guide for the Scoop browser extension for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Updated over a week ago

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the Scoop calendar extension, including:

  • Your Weekly View

  • Your Daily View

  • Adding Favorites

  • Viewing co-workers' and teammates’ work locations

  • Accessing your account settings

✍️ Note: Make sure you’ve downloaded the calendar extension for Chrome or Edge.

Home Tab

The Home tab serves as a go-to for your current day and upcoming work plans. You can view co-workers’ work locations or update your own work location all from the same place.

Set your work location

To set your work location in bulk for the next two weeks:

  1. Select any date at the top of the Home tab

  2. Click Set multiple days

  3. Next, simply choose your work location and building (if applicable) for each day and click Save changes

Your Week View

On the weekly view, we’ll show a breakdown of your work location for each day of the current week as well as your co-workers’ and teammates' work plans.

💡Tip: Use the arrows at the top of the Home tab to see the upcoming week’s work plans for you and your co-workers.

Your Daily View

To access your daily view, just select View Day on any date within your weekly view. You can view your work location and your co-workers' work locations from here. Use the filter tabs to see work locations for specific co-workers, such as your Favorites, Team, or All.

To update a previously set work location from your Daily View, click Update and choose your new work location. You can also set your work location in bulk for the next two weeks by clicking Set multiple days

If you select the View All option at the bottom of your daily view, we’ll automatically show you a detailed list of your Favorites work locations for that day. You can use the Filter option on the top right to filter by Team or building location.

Teams Tab

Always know where your Favorites and Teammates plan to be with the Teams tab.

Favorite co-workers

Co-workers can be added as Favorites by clicking View All > Add. You can search them by name, or choose from the list of co-workers.

Your team

Review your Team’s week plan by clicking View All. You can then scroll through the upcoming week's schedule to see where your manager and teammates plan to be working each day.

✍️ Note: Your team is updated by your manager (Basic plan) or your Scoop admin (Enterprise plan)

Account Tab

The Account tab is your go-to for all account settings and preferences.

Hybrid work preferences

We know most employees have a set routine for when they plan to head into the office or even a primary office location. You’ll be able to set your primary building and weekly work routine by going to the Hybrid Work Preferences section of the Account tab.

If you’re a permanently remote employee who does not need to set an Office work location, you can also indicate this from the Hybrid Work Preferences.


You can control the frequency of Scoop notifications by adjusting your settings in the Notifications section of the Account tab. Under Snapshots, you'll see a daily and weekly option. You can click on each of these to customize how you’d like to receive your Snapshots (via email, Slack, or both) and how often.

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